Incorporating Parents into EMDR Therapy with Children

Confident parentI’m a big advocate for including one or both (or more) parents into EMDR therapy with children – when parents are equipped to be supportive and when the children are comfortable with the parents being present.

I prepare parents for the child’s EMDR therapy by saying something like this: “EMDR processing happens internally, so there will be long silences where your child isn’t speaking. We don’t want to interrupt this internal process, so for the most part, you’ll be a silent but comforting presence. However, I may turn to you and ask a question occasionally. I will do this when I think your child is a little stuck and when I think your natural response will be helpful.”

By keeping parents present:

  1. The child feels more secure.
  2. The parent grows in understanding for what the child has experienced.
  3. As the parent becomes more attuned, the child feels closer to the parent.